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Primary 1 Registration : 5 Planning Steps to Buy A Property Near Famous School

Maine Soh

As a parent of a 6 year old child, I understand how much we want to provide for our child / children. Like every parent, we will do whatever is within our power to give our children a head start in their life.

In the extreme, Singaporean parent will go to greatest length from giving endless rounds of enrichment and tuition classes, persevering on the best grades and nonetheless the entrance into the top famous schools.

The primary 1 registration process usually begins in the second half of the year. The Ministry of Education in Singapore (MOE) has also allocated seven phases. You may wish to join the mailing list to get the latest update on the registration details.

The first 3 phases including 1, 2A(1), and 2A(2) are assigned to prioritize students who has affiliation with the schools.

Phase 1 guaranteed a place for the child who has sibling who is currently studying in the school.

Phase 2A(1) and 2A(2) will include parent and sibling who are a member of alumni association, advisory or management committee of the school, student’s parent who are a staff member or child is currently in MOE kindergarten located within preferred school.

Phases 2B, 2C, 2C supplementary are for parent who is affiliated with the school through organisation like a church or a clan association. Some parent will also be a volunteer at the school completing at least 40 hours of services to be prioritize within the first 4 phases.

International students may apply in phase 3.

From phases 2B onward, student who wishes to be gain admission will need to stay close to the school. This is where real estate becomes a critical part for all parents’ planning.

If you are like me who are not falling into the first 3 phases and would like to know what you need to take note of, continue reading!

To be eligible for phase 2B, I have tried to be affiliated with Singapore Hokkien Huay Kuan (SHHK) clan association.

But in order to join the Hokkien clan association, you will first need to find 2 Hokkien association members to endorse or recommend you to be a member.

On top of that, you need to have a minimum of 2 years membership and completed a minimum 80 hours of volunteer services with or through SHHK. Click here.

Likewise for all other churches or clans association, there are certain criteria to fulfill before you are considered eligible for phase 2B.

As much as i am aspired to be a super mommy but super mommy also need knowledge.

I was late in my planning and therefore, in this article i wish to share the following 5 points that you need to take note while planning to buy a house near popular school.

#1: Choosing Your Preferred School

As such, you need to start planning with your preferred school in mind.

There are 185 primary schools in Singapore. Among the 185 schools, the following 20 are the most popular school that are commonly oversubscribe during phase 2B.

Here are the TOP 20 famous Primary Schools:

1. Nan Hua Primary School

2. Rosyth School

3. Catholic High School Primary

4. Methodist Girls’ School Primary

5. Nanyang Primary School

6. Pei Hwa Presbyterian Primary School

7. Rulang Primary School

8. Temasek Primary

9. CHIJ ST. Nicholas Girls’

10. Anglo-Chinese (Primary) School

11. Ai Tong Primary School

12. Tao Nan School

13. Henry Park Primary School

14. Singapore Chinese Girls’ School Primary

15. Red Swastika School

16. Pei Chun Public school

17. Holy-Innocents’ Primary

18. Radin Mas Primary

19. Kong Hwa Primary

20. Raffles Girls’ Primary School

Regardless of the reputation of the school, all Singapore public schools follow the same curriculum that is regulated by Ministry of Education (MOE).

The location of the school is probably the main consideration due to the commuting time.

#2: Home to School Distance Requirement

The demand is often exceed the limited supply of vacancies after Phase 1 to Phase 2B. As such, priority admission will be given based on your child’s citizenship and the home – to – school distance.

As public school are generally catered for local families. Hence, the priority admission is given in the following order:

1. Highest priority will be given to Singapore Citizens (SC) staying within 1km of the school

2. SC staying between 1km - 2 km of the school

3. SC staying beyond 2km of the school

4. Permanent Residents (PRs) staying within 1km of the school

5. PRs staying between 1km - 2 km of the school

6. PRs staying beyond 2km of the school

Some parent may choose to use their parent or sibling address to register if they are deem as caregiver. Other than the criteria that both parent need to fulfil, please note that even if the caregiver is staying within 1km from the school, it will be balloting together with those that is staying between 1km - 2 km of the school

You can check your home to school distance through MOE here or you may download the OneMap mobile application: Android / IOS

Generally, the reputable school that are usually oversubscribe, the school will only take in application for those who stay within 1km.

Balloting will only take place when the qualifying applicants exceed the total number of available places. Thus, the rest of the applicants who are in the lowest priority will not be given a chance to ballot since there will be no more vacancy.

Within 1km school to home distance is the key!

#3 Custody of the child

Custody of child

Before you decide the home address to be used for the admission of your child or to make any decision in purchasing a property, both parents should have mutual agreement on the preferred school.

It may be simpler for married couple to come to a compromise mutual agreement on the choice of school.

As divorced or separated parents generally involve selling off their matrimonial home and purchase a new flat, it is even more important for both parents to be objective and arrive to a mutual agreement with the preferred school prior to the registration date.

For joint custody parents, who has agreed to the choice school, the other parent is required to sign a letter of consent.

If parents cannot derive to an agreement for the preferred school, both parties will need to approach Family Justice Court or Syariah Court to resolve the dispute.

The process of resolving the dispute may take more than 3months. As such, it is recommended to dissolve the dispute way before the registration period started. This is because the school cannot process the registration and may need to place the child in another school.

The School will process the child’s registration according to the Court order based on the choices made by the authorized parent.

I have assisted many of my friends, and clients throughout the whole complex process of buying their first property through a detailed property wealth planning. This ensures that they make informed decision and prevent them from making avoidable mistake.

Mutual agreement for the best interest of the child should be reached

#4: Buying Property

If you are planning to buy a property in order to participate in the registration of your preferred school, the next important consideration is to start thinking of what type of properties you are planning to buy.

Assuming you have done your financial analysis and are eligible to buy either resale or new launch property, you need to make sure the move in date of your property is in line with the criteria set by MOE.

Resale property

You are required to exercise Option to Purchase and pay the buyer’s stamp duty for private resale property or have a print out the resale flat status from HDB resale portal prior to the registration exercise.

You and your child will need to move in to the registered resale property by 2 January of your child’s P1 admission year

New launch property

If you have purchased a new launch property and are using this address for the registration, you need to ensure that the Temporary Occupation Period is within 2 years of your child’s entry into P1 and move in within that period.

Move in date of your property in part of the criteria set by MOE

#5: 30 Months’ stay requirement

To prevent parent from abusing the system using the priority admission through the distance category, MOE has set a requirement that the child is required to stay in the address for at least 30 months from the date of commencement of the P1 registration exercise.

MOE reserve the right to transfer the child out of the school to other school with vacancies if the address given is false or this condition is not met.

Planning Ahead

A goal without a plan will remind as a wish. Every parent would want to give their best to their child. Even if it is just a chance to get into a better school in hope that they would gain a better start in their life, they do anything for it.

However, the entire process of buying a good property takes time. You do not want to be caught in the process that the timeline does not match with the P1 registration.

I hope you will enjoy the process of P1 registration exercise with your child.

My 6 years old son, Yuankai and I

Do you need more clarification?

If you are not clear about your current situation or what are your options available or you need more information before taking action, feel free to contact me.

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About Author

Maine Soh holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Real Estate from NUS and has more than 10 years’ experience working as Real Estate consultant. While focusing on sales, she has attained consistent Top Achiever awards.

She has been known for being well versed with all the marketing strategy and tools.

She will constantly make diligent effort to be updated with all the new trend and digital marketing platform to enhance the sales.

She has assisted many of her clients throughout the whole process successfully by making informed decision and prevented them from making avoidable mistake.

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